The Mataró City Council closes the Guau Guau pet shop

The Mataró City Council has cautiously closed the Guau Guau pet shop -in the process of changing its name- on Via Europa 53, after an inspection in which they have detected repeated breaches of the Animal Protection law. The pets were in poor condition and received poor care and the administrative documentation was also not in order. The company is related to a police investigation into pet trafficking from Slovakia that La Vanguardia advanced on February 5.

The operation was carried out by the Office for Responsible Ownership and Animal Welfare (Otriba) in coordination with the Local Police service, which regularly monitors animal marketing establishments in Mataró (Maresme) to guarantee compliance with the regulations. of protection established by the Generalitat.

During the inspection, which took place yesterday, efforts were made to monitor that the establishment complied with the requirements established in previous operations, as well as to check the elements related to the noise ordinance. The operation has been coordinated with the participation of Seprona of the Civil Guard, which has the powers in this matter.

As a result of the inspection, the store has been closed as a precautionary measure for repeated failures to comply with Decree 2/2008 on the Protection of Animals, referring to the poor condition of pets and administrative irregularities. A closure that had already occurred on a previous occasion in recent weeks.

In the operation, three animals in very poor condition have been confiscated, in a serious health situation, according to sources from the operation, who were transferred to the municipal Center d’Acollida d’Animals. The rest of the animals remain in the establishment until they can be moved to a suitable space. As long as this transfer does not take place, the owner is required to guarantee care, under monitoring by the Local Police.

The owners of the pet shop coincidentally removed the Guau Guau sign yesterday to change it to another with the name Animals Mataró SL. All this movement coincides with the news that this newspaper advanced, in which it echoed the irregular trafficking of pets and published several videos in which the animal abuse of dogs that were transferred from Slovakia in a van was demonstrated.

From the animal sector, reactions to the police operation have already emerged. From SOS Animals Catalunya, its spokesman, Antonio Solana, has confirmed that this illegal activity “exists in Mataró” and “sick” animals are imported from eastern Europe, as part of the police investigation has been able to verify. “We continue to denounce these practices and request the definitive closure of this store” insist the animalists.

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