Little by little, more details of the content of the successful book by Ana Obregón and Aless Lequio, which has gone on sale this Wednesday, has been preceded by great expectation. In El chico de las musarañas, some of the reflections that the young businessman left written before he died are combined with the testimony of an Obregón who wanted to comply with the publication of the book with one of the great wishes of her son.

The texts written by Aless Lequio are especially emotional and intense – in the book they are the pages between pages 159 and 231 – and where the businessman, in addition to showing off his absorbed character and his constant “evaporations” to talk to the shrews, gives away some reflections, many of them hard because it seems that he is aware that the disease is winning.

After the three initial chapters in which she narrates with scathing and irony everything that happened on Friday afternoon in which she was given the sad news about the seriousness of her state of health, Ana Obregón has decided to incorporate a couple of significant reflections as individual sections. , which includes his crudest text, being aware that he was going to die.

Beyond this text entitled Empathy: the magic of existing, the book El chico de las musarañas also includes a one-page text entitled To the attention of… in which Aless Lequio seems to be addressing a love that is not going to meet in life And yes, the most striking thing about this reflection is that it refers to an imaginary person who is not from his environment, so it is not a love letter to his partner at that time, Carolina Monje, or to his parents. .

I am writing to you because I do not know you. I live anchored to the possibility of meeting you, but I don’t know if I will do it in the rest of my life. Hopefully these words can create a bit of reality so I can take my pen to bed thinking that it at least exists in my imagination. Inside me”, the businessman begins reflecting.

And then her most sincere part arrives, along with her worries and concerns: “I have cancer, but worst of all, I’m afraid,” she continues. Aless Lequio continues this short but intense letter: “I don’t know if one day I will be able to feel how you are and what we could become, but what I can do now, at this very moment, is transmit how you are not and , therefore, getting a little closer to the idea of ​​what you would be.

And the young businessman ends this letter like this: “I know that you are not the love of my life, because it would be my whole life. Because we would be one. Because it would be forever. “It is the most beautiful love letter I have ever read in my life,” writes Ana Obregón after the emotional text from her son, and ends like this: “That love that never existed because bloody cancer stole your time to find it. Is there anything more enigmatic than a lifelong love without a name of its own? ”, Reflects the actress, making it clear that she interprets that this letter was not for her partner, Carolina Monje.

The reflection of Aless’s mother culminates in this way, also somewhat heartbreaking, but not before assuring that the businessman’s desire was to have five children: “I hope that wherever you are asleep you dream of everything you could not live. Tell me, please, so that I can feel a moment of peace, if at least in your dreams that love appeared and that it sleeps next to you in eternity.