The judge of the Audiencia Nacional Manuel García-Castellón has dictated this Jew a provision with which he agrees to ask the Prosecutor’s Office – and the rest of the personal accusations in the Democratic Tsunami case – if it is necessary to issue a search and arrest warrant against the investigated in the case of alleged terrorism who were summoned to testify yesterday and did not appear: Oleguer Serra Boixaderas, Jesús Rodríguez Sellés, Josep Camjmajó ​​Caparrós and Xavier Vendrell Segura.

Following the ruling issued by García Castellón, tax sources assure La Vanguardia that the Public Ministry has been against issuing search and arrest warrants. The Prosecutor’s Office is inclined to re-set a date so that those investigated can testify by videoconference.

Regarding those also investigated in the case, Oriol Soler and Marta Rovira, whose statements are pending, the magistrate addresses their defense so that within the period of a hearing they state whether they are willing to attend the summons that may be set in the last week of the month of May or the first week of June, as stated in the document.

Of the six investigated people called to appear before García-Castellón, only the Secretary of Social Movements of ERC, Marta Molina, attended. The defenses of those investigated asked the magistrate to suspend their statements, an extreme that was rejected by the judge in a ruling last Tuesday.

Initially, however, the judge had also summoned the general secretary of ERC, Marta Rovira, or the chief of staff of former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont, Josep Lluís Alay. Subsequently, he suspended the statement of both of them and that of businessman Oriol Soler ‘sine die’. As for Lluis Alay, the magistrate indicates in this Thursday’s order that he will decide once his defense reports on his state of health.

In his statement before the instructor, Molina assured that ‘Tsunami Democràtic’ was a peaceful movement that did not incite violence and “much less” to commit terrorist acts.

This was confirmed by her lawyer, Marina Roig, in statements to the media from the City of Justice in Barcelona collected by Europa Press, explaining that in her statement as an investigator Molina assured that all the messages sent by the independence platform were “calls to the non-violence and civil disobedience.

According to her lawyer, the ERC leader insisted that the only thing that was encouraged was a “peaceful mobilization of citizens.” “Therefore she has defended that it was not a violent movement and much less a terrorist one,” she added, pointing out that Molina has detailed that she “has never issued any statement or message inviting violence.”

The lawyer stressed that Molina also detailed that the messages that were launched in the fall of 2019 – when the riots attributed to ‘Tsunami’ occurred – “invited citizens to a peaceful protest within the framework of a strategy non-violent.”

Finally, his defense expressed surprise at the fact that the judge had “suddenly changed his mind” and summoned those under investigation despite the fact that he had said “at the beginning of April” that he was not considering it. “I don’t know what the reasons are,” he added.

All of this in the case in which García Castellón investigates the alleged role of the independence platform in the riots that occurred after the Supreme Court ruling that condemned the leaders of the Catalan ‘procés’ in October 2019.