And you, how do you eat pizza? Surely, you proceed like the vast majority and from the outset the first thing you do is cut it into eight portions. In fact, even many pizzerias already serve it like this, in eighths. Mistake.

At least, this is what pizzaiolo Eric Ayala defends, the young man from Valles who has become a phenomenon on social networks explaining the secrets of Neapolitan pizza from the patio of his house. In an interview in El món on RAC1, he explained what is the best way to eat a good Neapolitan pizza.

To begin with, the pizza should be cut into four equal pieces, and not eight. From here, we take one of these quarters and fold it in half with our fingers. If the center part falls forward due to the weight of the ingredients, we must put it inwards. And to enjoy.

Then comes a crucial moment: what do we do with the bark. “You have to eat the edge, please,” pleads Ayala, who adds: “People who don’t eat it haven’t understood life in general, that there are ups and downs, you can’t be in ecstasy all the time.”

“The first bite will excite you,” develops the pizzaiolo, “and then, when you’re finishing that piece, you need to eat the edge, to relax.” This way you can grab the next piece eagerly.

When eating the crust, Eric Ayala advises using it to wet the oil that remains on the plate or taking some other ingredient from the rest of the pizza that is left, such as a piece of tomato or a mushroom.

Lastly, Eric Ayala explains the “wild way” how some Neapolitans eat pizza. It is simply a matter of folding the entire pizza in half and then folding it again, “as if it were a crepe.” He started with smaller pizzas that were eaten on the street, but “a beastly Neapolitan can do it with a large pizza at the pizzeria.” Now, “for me it is not the recommended way,” concludes the pizzaiolo.

This article was originally published on RAC1.