Trini Tinturé, the historic Spanish cartoonist behind Emma is Charming, wins the Grand Prix at the Barcelona Comic Fair. Accompanied by her daughter and her grandson, who has made those present smile, the illustrator has taken the stage to thank her for the award that she, she admits, was not expecting.

Her daughter has taken the opportunity to applaud the cartoonist, “a self-taught woman in a difficult time. She was a pioneer of an empowered woman. We want to thank all the people who have supported us, the members of the jury for having thought in it and, in a very special way, to all those people who push the wheelchair daily, literally and figuratively”.

Transients (Astiberri), by Nadar, has been recognized as the best work by a Spanish author. The author from Castellón dazzles critics and the public with his most personal side and in his new work he takes up the concerns and vital interests that he has been proposing in previous works, such as Papel estrujado or El mundo a tus pies, (Astiberri).

Another of the most anticipated awards is the Miguel Gallardo award for best new author, which in this edition has been won by Manuel Romero. The cartoonist takes over from the illustrator Genie Espinosa, to whom this year the organization has dedicated an exhibition.

The Comic Barcelona awards, all voted for by Spanish comics professionals, aim to promote and recognize authors of the genre, as well as support the work of publishers who are committed to their work.