The green and white of Montserrat

* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

I took this photograph for Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia from the Mas Oliver farmhouse, at the foot of the Montserrat mountain, in Marganell, in the Bages region.

As you can see in the snapshot, you can see the Montserrat mountain a little snowy due to the weekend rainfall that has given us a brief respite from the drought.

The snapshot appears to be divided into two levels of color. First, in the surroundings of the farmhouse we see how the green of the trees and forest predominates.

But, on the second level, as we look up at the mountain, we see how the white color of the massif timidly covered in snow is taking over.

Montserrat is traditionally considered the most important and significant mountain in Catalonia. With a maximum height of 1236 meters at the peak of Sant Jeroni, it rises abruptly to the west of the Llobregat river.

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