* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

I have photographed the large jellyfish known as “fried egg” (Cotylorhiza tuberculata) for La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos in the port of Roses.

It is surrounded by small fish and feeds on plankton. This showy jellyfish has an average size of 20 centimeters in diameter. Although it is very spectacular, its sting has little effect on humans.

This jellyfish is common in the Mediterranean Sea. In fact, it usually even forms large swarms kilometers wide and long.

Its umbrela is soft, surrounded by a ring of small purple tentacles arranged in a circle. The marginal lobes are elongated and subrectangular. In the images we can see it in detail.

In summer, during the high beach season, this jellyfish is usually a nuisance for bathers, although its sting is rather unnoticeable.