Before the celebration of the National Holiday next Thursday, October 12, Pedro Sánchez himself yesterday demanded that Alberto Núñez Feijóo “contain restraint in his desperate attempt to agitate the street”, as in the opinion of the socialists the president of the Popular Party already did. in separate protests called in Barcelona and Madrid, in recent weeks, before the investiture process faced by the leader of the PSOE. And today it was the spokesperson for the acting Government, the socialist Isabel Rodríguez, who from the Moncloa palace has demanded “respect” from the head of the opposition, so that he does not take his “strategy of confrontation” against Sánchez to the streets, after not having won a parliamentary majority at the polls that would allow his investiture. And even less so on such an important date, in the opinion of the acting Executive, like this 12-O.

“The PP has had to listen since the strategy of confrontation does not lead to any path,” the minister spokesperson warned, in reference to the result of the general elections on July 23, which did not grant Feijóo a sufficient majority to govern. “We can understand the kicking, the frustration and the tantrums, but we are facing very serious events, such as this investiture process, such as the celebration of the National Holiday, and the minimum that is required of a political force as important as the PP is having a sense of State,” claimed Isabel Rodríguez.

“Every time the Popular Party does not govern in this country, the National Festival stops being everyone’s party and becomes the party of insults,” reproached the spokesperson for the acting Executive. “And from the Government we demand respect,” she said. “Respect for the National Holiday, which is the holiday of all Spaniards. Respect for the investiture process in which we are immersed, which is a constitutional process. “How do we ask for respect for parliamentary plurality, which has been the decision of the Spanish people,” she argued.

“I respect all Spaniards, respect for parliamentary plurality, respect for the Constitution, respect for the investiture process, and also respect for the National Holiday. In that area of ??respect we would all win, including the Popular Party,” Isabel Rodríguez assured.

In this context of maximum political polarization, the Council of Ministers, at the proposal of the acting President of the Government, has agreed in its meeting this Tuesday to request the Cortes Generales – the Congress and the Senate – to hold a joint session so that the Princess of Asturias, Leonor de Borbón, take the oath of compliance with the Constitution on October 31, the date on which she turns 18 and reaches the age of majority.

The acting Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, has highlighted “the enormous symbolic load” that this oath of Princess Leonor will have, because in a solemn ceremony before the Cortes Generales, she will guarantee the continuity of the Crown in Spain and will assume leadership of the State when appropriate. “It will be an act in which the strength of our democracy will be demonstrated,” Bolaños highlighted.

Firstly, the minister explained, because it guarantees the continuity of the Crown, “which is an absolutely central institution in our political system.” Secondly, he added, because in this ceremony “the fundamental values ??of our Constitution will be reaffirmed.” And ultimately, “the ability of the Monarchy to adapt to the times will be demonstrated.” This will demonstrate, Bolaños concluded, that “our Constitution and the Monarchy are capable of integrating all the different visions that coexist in our country.”

In addition, the Council of Ministers has also agreed to grant the heir to the throne the collar of the order of Charles III, the highest honorary distinction of the civil orders in Spain. This necklace will be imposed on the Princess of Asturias in a ceremony at the Royal Palace, after her oath in Congress. After these institutional events, without the presence of the Government, a “private and family” ceremony will take place at the El Pardo palace, according to Moncloa sources, which is expected to be attended by Princess Leonor’s grandparents, Don Juan Carlos and Mrs. Sofia.