The Ministry of Finance published this Friday in the Official State Gazette (BOE) a call for public employment that exceeds 27,000 jobs and represents “a historic process” due to the high number of positions offered to work in the General State Administration (AGE), which correspond to the public employment offers (OEP) of 2020, 2021 and 2022.

The number of places called that is made available to those interested amounts to 27,509. Of these, 13,157 correspond to the General Administrative Corps; another 6,474 are concentrated in the State Civil Administration Management Corps; and another 4,086 for the General Auxiliary Corps.

From the portfolio directed by María Jesús Montero, they pointed out that these figures demonstrate the Government’s “bet” on public employment. They also advanced that the tests will be divided into 12 selective processes to access the A2, C1 and C2 subgroups, and will incorporate the changes in the selective processes promoted by the Ministry of Finance and Public Function so that these are more “equal and accessible” .

The new model takes into account the strategic guidelines and projects included in the document ‘Guidelines for Change in Selection’, “in order to streamline selection processes and promote equal opportunities in access to public employment”.

Added to this is the Agreement of the General Negotiation Table of the General State Administration on the general criteria that should govern the selection of personnel through internal promotion processes. “All with the aim of achieving processes marked by equal opportunities, transparency and the search for excellence in the service offered to the public”, they stated from the ministry after underlining “the speed of the development of the tests, the recognition of merit and ability, in addition to the publicity of everything related to the call”.

To continue with the policy of decentralization of the selection processes, the tests will bet on proximity to the applicants. Among the measures that follow this philosophy will be that the exercises that include a public reading before a court will now be corrected anonymously through a web platform, which will prevent the displacement of candidates for a position in the Administration.

“The implementation of such a broad and historic public employment offer due to the number of places offered demonstrates the Government’s commitment to quality, stable, flexible and innovative public employment. Policies that respond to the interest of the General State Administration in recovering the levels of public employment lost in previous years, putting an end to the lack of sufficient personnel to offer public service or taking steps towards the rejuvenation of the workforce ”, they pointed out from the ministry.

In this sense, they pointed out that the Executive of Pedro Sánchez has approved stabilization job offers for more than 415,000 positions in collaboration with all public administrations. “This reinforcement of public employment has allowed Spain to fulfill the commitments acquired in this area within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan”, they concluded.