The dust in suspension of Saharan origin that since yesterday affects a good part of the Valencian coast could spread to the interior regions of the Valencian Community, as the Emergency Department of the Generalitat Valenciana warned this morning.

Apart from the anecdotal influence of this phenomenon on the landscape and the problems that the lack of visibility can cause in certain activities, the 112 service warns of the negative effect that suspended dust can cause on certain groups.

For this reason, the population is recommended to avoid as much as possible that minors, the elderly and people with respiratory diseases remain outside for a long time. In addition, the use of public transport is advised to avoid the accumulation of polluting gases and it is suggested to the population as a whole not to make prolonged physical efforts outdoors.

Given that the weather forecast predicts rain in areas to the south of Valencia and north of Alicante, it is very likely that in the next few hours the precipitation will transfer a good part of this dust to the ground in the form of mud.