The Generalitat has completed the stabilization of 10,000 interim workers who passed the merits competition throughout 2022, a figure celebrated by the Minister of the Presidency, Laura Vilagrà, who has called on young people to take part in the annual competitions that the Government plans to convene from now on.

The merit contest ended on December 23, with the publication in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat of the resolutions for the appointment of the 9,459 people who passed this process of stabilization of positions, which is the responsibility of the General Directorate of Public Function of the catalan government.

To this figure must be added 925 more people who, although they submitted an application to participate in the exceptional merit contest, have approved another selection process before the end of the contest.

“It is evident that in a public administration we cannot have almost 40% temporary employment. That is why we started this process months ago and have stabilized some 10,000 people who had been in a temporary and precarious situation for a long time until the end of the year” , Vilagrà has pointed out in statements to EFE.

The Minister of the Presidency has celebrated that almost 87% of those selected have been able to keep their job. “And here we do not end – she added – she, because we continue this year with a stabilization contest with which we will consolidate thousands more places and, in addition, we will hold contests annually.”

This stabilization process has the objective, according to the Catalan government, of reducing the structural temporary rate of the Generalitat administration below 8% by the end of 2024.

“Temporality is one of the great problems of administrations. In fact, one of the first manifestations that I came across when I arrived at the Ministry was temporary workers from the Generalitat who asked for its stabilization or that we put an end to temporality, because it was certainly a problem,” he acknowledged.

But beyond congratulating herself on this stabilization of 10,000 temporary workers, the minister has also made an “appeal” to the public, especially young people, to present themselves and opt for competitions, because the Catalan administration “needs people with talent , attitudes and technification”.

According to Government data, the profile of people who have stabilized their job indicates that 73% are women and 27% are men; the average age is 49 years and 71% older than 45; and, as far as seniority is concerned, the average is 13 years of services rendered.

Of the total number of positions called for in this merit contest, 87% have been awarded to the person who currently occupies it and the remaining 13% have been assigned to another person; and of the total, 6,717 people have stabilized as official personnel and 2,742 as labor personnel.

Once the merits competition has finished, the stabilization process has continued with the publication, on December 20, of the calls for the opposition competition for 1,825 places; The registration period will be open until January 20, 2023.