The filmmaker Carla Simón has changed her mind and will not stand in the next municipal elections with Junts per Catalunya in her town, Les Les Planes d’Hostoles. Last week it emerged that he would be on the list headed by Pablo Odell in that municipality of La Garrotxa.

The director of the award-winning feature film Alcarràs has announced her decision in a statement in which she disassociates herself from the political formation of JxCat. “I want to clarify that I am not from Junts. I do not share his political option or most of his ideas,” says Simón, who already expressed last week that he did not want to be associated with any political party. “I regret the decontextualized reading that has been made of my participation in municipal politics in my town of barely 1,700 inhabitants. For this reason, I have decided to withdraw from the list that I symbolically supported as an independent substitute,” Simón added in the statement.

In any case, he has expressed his support for the JxCat candidate: “I have no doubt that Pablo Odell’s group will lead Les Planes d’Hostoles with care and intelligence, and I encourage the people of my town to value their electoral program.” “I continue to firmly believe in local politics, where the important thing is people with exciting projects for their communities and not the initials of the parties,” Simón emphasizes.

Although they did not want to relate one thing to the other, five JxCat councilors in that municipality submitted their resignation en bloc the day after the announcement of Simón’s signing and left the municipal government with only three of the nine members it had. The mayor’s number two had already resigned a few weeks before, two months ago, and will head an alternative list with the name of Estimem les Planes, although he does not plan to incorporate the five councilors who have resigned.

The councilors alleged loss of trust, lack of communication and transparency, and left the minutes a month before the municipal elections. For his part, the mayor of Les Planes d’Hostoles, Eduard Llorà, attributed the resignations to an electoral maneuver.