The Colombian Prosecutor’s Office arrested Manuel Ranoque, father of two of the four minors rescued in the Amazon jungle last June after spending 40 days lost after a plane crash, for alleged sexual harassment.

That body confirmed the arrest, although it did not give more details about what happened until Ranoque “is prosecuted.”

On July 14, the four minors were discharged from the Central Military Hospital (HMC) in Bogotá where they had been since June 9 and are “very well” after arriving there with a pronounced state of malnutrition and dehydration and had various infections.

This is the 13-year-old girl Lesly Mukutuy, who was in charge of taking care of her brothers Soleiny Mukutuy, 9; She has Noriel Ronoque Mukutuy, 5 years old, and Cristin Neruman Ranoque, a baby who completed her first year of life in the Amazon jungle located between the departments of Caquetá and Guaviare.

The minors were found in a remote point between Caquetá and Guaviare where they were searched tirelessly for weeks by some 200 soldiers, including commandos from the Army Special Forces, and indigenous people from the area, all of whom were part of “Operation Hope.”

At the moment, the four siblings are in the custody of the state Colombian Institute for Family Welfare (ICBF), which will have to determine who is given custody, which could lie among others with the maternal grandparents or the father, whom, according to the Report by various media, they have accused him of sexist violence against the mother.

The minors were found within the framework of “Operation Hope” that mobilized more than 200 soldiers and indigenous people who searched for them for more than a month through the dense and virgin jungle located near the Chiribiquete National Park after the May 1 a Cessna 206 plane operated by Avianline Charter’s company crashed in this area and the three adults on board died, including the mother of the children.

In this sense, the director of the ICBF, Astrid Eliana Cáceres, pointed out yesterday that “children are still in the process of restoring their rights.”

On June 10, Ranoque stated that he is threatened by the Carolina Ramírez Front of the FARC dissidents.

“I am going to live full time in Bogotá because I have problems and difficulties with the Carolina Ramírez Front that is looking for me,” the man told reporters at the time.

Ranoque, an indigenous Muinane from the community of Puerto Sábalo-Los Monos, in the southern department of Caquetá, assured that he was threatened for “economic interest” and that the dissidents began to pressure them by threatening their children.