Reactions to the alleged attack by a father (38 years old) on a 15-year-old player from Mas Pellicer when leaving the football field, in Reus (Baix Camp), last Sunday. The Mossos d’Esquadra, once the alleged aggressor has been identified, have informed the court to summon him to testify. The UDC Mas Pellicer and CF Vila-seca, where the boy whose father waited for one of the footballers to attack him plays, issued two statements this Thursday assessing what happened.

“We strongly condemn all violent acts inside and outside the football fields that damage everyone’s image,” said CF Vila-seca. The entity “particularly condemns the unfortunate event that occurred around the Mas Pellicer field,” but says that “the club cannot control the behavior of each and every one of the parents, family members and companions of the players.”

The UDC Mas Pellicer “rejects any kind of violence and firmly condemns what a player from our school has suffered, who has our support and help.” And he adds in the statement: “Football is an element that transmits values ??that are so necessary today and where fathers, mothers and guardians are an essential element for its proper functioning.”

CF Vila-seca does not rule out taking precautionary measures but does not specify anything in relation to the alleged aggressor, father of one of the cadet players. “The internal measures that must be taken will be taken and we leave the clarification of the facts in the hands of the ordinary justice system.”

“We understand the indignation and anger of the alleged victim and her family and we publicly apologize,” they added. Vila-seca ends its statement by regretting “that it falls into the stereotype of blaming all the members of a club for the actions of a person.”

The minor reported the attack shortly after what happened on Sunday against the Mossos accompanied by the Mas Pellicer youth football coordinator and later with his mother, with a report of minor injuries after attending a medical center.

The scorer of the winning goal (1-0) between Mas Pellicer and Vila-seca was precisely the young complainant, Adrián. After showering and having a drink at the country bar, he left with his scooter to return home. A few meters from the field, the aggressor was waiting for him inside his car.

According to the complaint, the man pushed the minor against a fence and grabbed him by the neck, reproaching him for his attitude in the game: “He told me if I was being a pimp, he threw my scooter, slammed me against the fence and grabbed me by the neck with his hand, squeezing. I was screaming but I was alone.”

The youngest, from Reus, is black. His mother is originally from the Dominican Republic. Both she and her son said that being black had to do with the attack, that it was not just because of what happened on the soccer field. The Mossos d’Esquadra rule it out and place the attack within the scope of the soccer match prior to the events. Adrián explained that during the match he already received insults from some parents and companions of the rival team.