The end of the summer period and lower hiring in the countryside due to poor harvests due to the drought cause unemployment to hit Andalusia. According to data provided today by the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy, the region leads the unemployment ranking at the end of September, once again exceeding the barrier of 700,000 unemployed, an increase of 2.29% compared to August.

Of the 19,768 new applicants registered in the public employment services offices, 15,949 are Andalusian, which means that 8 out of every 10 people who have lost their jobs reside in this autonomous community.

On the other hand, employment has decreased by 8,160 contributors (0.25%) to close the month with 3,318,560 Social Security affiliates.

Andalusia stands at 712,204 people without work at the end of September, according to data provided today by the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy, from which it is indicated that the region leads the ranking of unemployment in the month of September, a period where it is usually recorded a rebound after the end of contracts in the service sector coinciding with the end of the summer season.

Although the ninth month of the year is usually ‘critical’ in this matter, the rise in unemployment in September 2023 in the country is the worst record in this month since 2018, when it increased by just over 20,400 people

The general secretary of the Public Employment and Training Service of the Government of Andalusia, Victoria Martín-Lomeña, in statements to the media, has indicated that, although September is a month, it draws an upward curve in unemployment data in a traditional way, The extreme drought that Andalusia has suffered in recent cycles has had a very negative impact on Andalusian agriculture.

Thus, he detailed that the smaller the harvest, the less labor is needed in the agricultural world and, therefore, fewer contracts are made, an impact that has been noted in the evolution of the market in September.

The data released today are “consistent with the seasonal behavior of the Andalusian economy,” he said, considering them “predictable” given that the end of summer brings with it the end of many hirings in the services sector. This year He explained, the tourism campaign has been very positive and then a “rebound effect” has been generated, causing a greater increase in unemployed people.

Added to this is the drought and, although unemployment in agriculture has been reduced in September due to the start of the agricultural campaigns, the decrease has been much smaller, 70% less than the previous year, due to lower production due to the lack of rain, according to the person responsible for Employment.

However, he highlighted that in the year-on-year variation the evolution of unemployment is positive with a decrease of more than 67,000 people and widespread in all sectors, age groups and provinces and, in addition, he highlighted that intense job creation has been maintained and has achieved a maximum number of self-employed workers affiliated with the Security with more than 570,000.