What is your song of the summer? The writer Carlos Zanón has made a selection for all ages and all tastes of titles that resonated in our heads during some summer. Performers and songs that are part of our stories. Here you can read the complete series entitled ‘Damn song of summer’. Which is yours?

1. Bad Bunny

Sex no longer needs intermediaries nor does urban Latin music pay homage to the Yankee neighbor to the North. Hot bodies and cold beers. Coolers, towels, beds and surfboards. Bad Bunny’s summer is only available to a few. Haters and fans there are many but only one bad bunny. If he sang in English we would like it better: it’s called racism.

2. Luis Aguile

It’s always hard to determine what the first song of the summer was. Perhaps it was not Juanita Banana in the version of the Argentine Luis Aguilé but she deserves it. A friendly and familiar interpreter, tied to parodic success, are her way of phrasing, moving and trying to seduce like an old 19th century heartthrob. And her ties. If Juana Dolores was freaked out by Grasset’s, Aguilé’s kill her.

3. Pulp

Baptizing Common people as a summer song can only be understood if you were in the United Kingdom in 1995. Perfect story, exposed and explained, at the same distance from hatred and irony between a girl who wants to be anyone and someone who wants to be nobody. The problem is class, education and luck. For some money is inexhaustible and for others unattainable. And in all of it, the social elevator and Jarvis Cocker as our favorite mutant: dandy head, working class soul.

4. Future Radio

A band exposed to mutations, explorations and friendly fire, left us a lot of songs, including Escuela de calor, as good when they recorded it as it is now. It is not the song of those who hate summer, not even of those who do not believe in it. Quite the opposite. It is the song of those who believe in summer, they cannot spend the summer. Setting sun in the prison-city. It takes courage.

5. Dominic Modugno

A song that is born from the dream of a Chagall painting, which becomes from its first notes in a song that anyone can identify. It is a dream that opens to another and makes way for another. The performer always sings it like the first time, in a way as if he didn’t know that cynicism, defeat or disappointment exists in the world. He sees himself flying through the sky, painted blue, and the world as a runway does not matter to him because he is in love.

6. Raffaella Carra

Only she -nice, accessible, modest, professional, free and, in a certain way, sexless- could shake the way a society such as Spain did in the seventies. In this song, she clarifies several issues. That if they have left you, look for a better one. That you try the ones that are necessary until you find the one that works for you. That the South is where love is best made and that this, loving each other, is the only thing that cures the mad of their madness.

7. Georgie Then

If this man had appeared on American television as he did on ours, he would have a biopic, several tribute albums and, if he were still alive, he would contest the Republican candidacy of Donald Trump. Georgie Dann reformulates the song of the summer in a delirious shaker that served him from traveling discos in towns in Spain to Valerio Lazarov’s television. Go-gos, the same song every year, idiotic dancing, sexual double entendres, and professionalism beyond honor.