Within the framework of the general policy debate taking place in the Parliament, the En Comú Podem group will register this Wednesday three resolution proposals – political declarations that are put to a vote – that have the clear intention of obtaining the support of the pro-independence parties. , since they are in line with many of their demands, such as amnesty, the protection of self-government, more powers and the recognition of Catalonia as a nation.

According to the proposals to which La Vanguardia has had access, the common people want the Parliament to express itself in favor of amnesty for those prosecuted by the ‘procés’ to complete the process of political “dejudicialization”. After the path begun in the last legislature with the approval of pardons and the reform of the Penal Code, the Albiach party proposes that the Parliament “urge the Catalan political forces to continue advancing in this direction and to complete this path with an amnesty that allows the judicialization of the conflict to be definitively closed.”

But in the same resolution, which is titled “to strengthen and improve the self-government of Catalonia”, the formation recalls that Catalonia is the only autonomous community that governs its self-government by a norm that has not been voted on by the Catalans, as a consequence of the ruling of the Statute, that is why they propose “necessary” that “the new negotiated and agreed political demands be embedded in a new political agreement that is democratically validated.” This new political pact “between Catalonia and Spain must go through the polls,” they propose.

In the same resolution they promote “the shielding of self-government”, advance in “more powers such as the transfer of Rodalies, the management of airports and ports, the management of migration policies in Catalonia”, among others, “and finally the recognition of Catalonia as a nation,” they point out.

Along with this resolution, the Albiach party presents another in which it proposes a commitment to the parties of the Catalan Chamber, especially the independentists, against a possible Government of PP and Vox, to this end, it demands that they “use all democratic means to prevent it” because I say government “would be a serious threat to the self-government of Catalonia, Catalan and the rights and freedoms of Catalans, especially women, LGTBI people and migrants”

Finally, they propose another resolution in favor of improved financing. In this section, the commons propose three major measures: negotiate with the State Government a reduction of the debt accumulated in the FLA; a comprehensive tax reform with the restitution of taxes on high incomes, guaranteeing a floor throughout the State for taxes on the rich and maintaining the inheritance and wealth taxes, and finally, developing the consortium between the Agència Tributària of Catalonia and the state for a single window in the management of all taxes in Catalonia.

The commons must now seek support among the parliamentary groups to move forward with these resolution proposals. They have all this Thursday to negotiate and compromise the texts before their final approval in this Friday’s plenary session.