In the television debate on Monday night, the Comunes Sumar candidate, Jéssica Albiach, baptized a hypothetical pact between the PSC and Junts after 12-M as the “asphalt coalition.” The phrase was all the rage in her party. That is why they are quick to repeat the message, which they understand to be recognizable to their potential voters, warning of the dangers that in their opinion a kind of renewed sociovergence could have.

This Tuesday they did it from Salt, continuing with their electoral campaign that is more choral than personal, in which the candidate does not always take the lead in the events. “On 12-M we have to choose between a progressive Government or the asphalt Government,” said Jaume Asens, former deputy and the commons option for the next European elections. Faced with this dilemma, he postulated his party as a “purely left-wing option.” Asens recalled that the old CiU is present in both the PSC and ERC in the figures of Ramon Espadaler and Carles Campuzano respectively.

In Salt there are 33,227 inhabitants, 12,590 of foreign nationality. Approximately a third of the population does not have the right to vote. “We want to be the voice of those who have no voice,” Asens proclaimed in a press conference, urging an end to the “discrimination” that keeps the migrant population from the polls. “What we need is more integration. Sílvia Orriols’ speech favors the Islamists. The extremes feed off each other,” said Asens.

The number one of Comunes Sumar for Girona, Eloi Badia, spoke precisely about the extreme right, whose confrontation with Aliança Catalana is also recurring in the campaign. “The problem is also parties like Junts, who laugh at them. Very harsh with Vox but unclear with Orriols,” he pointed out from the Plaza de la Llibertat, the same place that Santiago Abascal and Ignacio Garriga visited a few days ago to, according to Badia, spread “racism and xenophobia.”

Badia, now a deputy in Congress and previously a councilor in Barcelona City Council, also addressed ERC and the CUP: “They must say if the future of Catalonia is to change the PP for Junts and Vox for Orriols.” Comunes Sumar understands that its parliamentary representation for Girona is in dispute, precisely, with Aliança Catalana.