Adrián Santos, Town Planning councilor and candidate for Mayor of Alicante for Ciudadanos, believes that Carlos Mazón should remove Julia Parra and Javier Gutiérrez from their powers, the two provincial deputies who until a few hours ago belonged to his same political formation and have abandoned between strong reproaches in one direction and another. Santos believes that Parra and Gutiérrez should hand over their minutes.

Former leader of the New Generations of the PP, the mayor of Urban Planning of Alicante reminds Mazón that the pact that led him to the presidency of the Diputación “he signed with Ciudadanos”, and that the current deputies for Culture and Infrastructures did not even participate in the negotiation, which was the responsibility of Toni Cantó and Mari Carmen Sánchez.

In his opinion, the fact that his now ex-colleagues remain in the non-attached group is unimportant, but that does not mean they stop being “turncoats”. And he believes that they should comply with the anti-transfuguismo pact and go home. “Even more so being provincial deputies, because not only is it that you appear in your town hall on a list of your party, but it is also the party that chooses you to represent it in the Provincial Council, the citizens have not voted for you.”

Santos is not afraid that this radical political discrepancy will contaminate relations within the bipartisan Alicante capital, where five ‘orange’ councilors govern along with nine from the PP, one of them the mayor Luis Barcala, and another Carlos Mazón himself. “Our relations are good, it has been demonstrated throughout the legislature. We came from a left-wing tripartite where everything was fighting, while we have prioritized management over differences, which there are, but they have remained within of the government and they have agreed,” he explains.

Santos is “delighted that those who seek a way of life in politics are leaving” his party, that is not the philosophy of Ciudadanos. Regarding the accusations by Parra and Gutiérrez about an alleged turn by the leadership of Mamen Peris towards positions close to Ximo Puig and the Botànic government, Santos believes that they are excuses to justify “an open secret for more than a year, which Javier Gutiérrez and Julia Parra were going to leave Ciudadanos to try to find accommodation in other places; that was evident”.

Not only that, “but they’re trying to do it at the moment when they do the most damage possible.” In his opinion, “it is not a question of Mamen Peris, it is a question of his story, which any political analyst is very clear about.” For Santos, there is no such drift, but his party “is a new Ciudadanos that is now more than ever trying to be that progressive liberal center that was lost at a certain moment.”

The candidate for Mayor of Alicante compares these accusations with “the habit of calling ourselves fachas when we agree with the right; if we agree with the Socialists we are red and we are going to destroy Spain; neither one thing nor the other. We are Citizens and we have no problem agreeing left and right as long as it is for the good of the citizens”.

As far as Santos is concerned, if the next municipal elections give him the possibility of being the key to the future government of the city, he only considers the possibility of becoming part of a bipartisan party with the PP or the PSOE, because in no case He is willing to support an option that includes Podemos, Compromís or Vox, whom he considers “extremists”.

“Our objective is to be where the majority of citizens want: to avoid sectarian policies and make centrist and consensual policies; in the Alicante City Council we have demonstrated this,” he adds. Santos recalls that in the second year of his term “a budget was agreed with the Socialist Party, and we have done this with a government of the PP and Ciudadanos.”