Barcelona has resumed its usual image, after the hiatus in August, and the city returns to its vital signs. People, traffic (more than it should, but that is the legacy of so many pedestrian islands and so many bike lanes) and last-mile delivery everywhere that, in the absence of loading and unloading spaces, uses many of those spaces that are they robbed the traffic in theory to benefit the pedestrian and now they take the trucks and vans. That is to say, nothing new under the sun that has cracked the skin of the city in recent years.

The course that is starting, however, does have to serve to begin to turn the citizen’s epidermis around (safety and cleanliness, as the mayor promised), but above all it has to be the turning point in the trend and the feeling of recent years of economic slowdown. The great subject of Barcelona is to recover economic power, business punch and that this new reality is created by the citizens. It is not an easy task, and for this we must take into account that at the head of the mission there is an expert, credible person dedicated to generating economic activity instead of getting lost in ideological twists and turns.

Deputy Mayor Jordi Valls has the power and conviction to try, but for that goal to be a reality we will need many fronts in the city to push in the same direction. We must stop the feeling of disbelief in the economic future of the city, but to do so it is important that both the regional and national governments contribute. Neither Catalonia nor Spain as a whole are interested in a weakened Barcelona, ??and the city’s councilors must have the ability to persuade whoever is necessary. Neither the history of this city nor the reality of the hundreds of thousands of Barcelonans, who pay more than anyone else in Spain and want a first-class city, would allow us to throw in the towel in the face of the persistent deterioration of recent years. You have to turn it around fairly quickly so that the data is accompanied by a growing sense of pride. That pride that one day burst forth strongly and that the decline has been deteriorating within us.

Companies have to have things easier, as is the case in other major Spanish cities. The entrepreneur must be pampered, the citizen taken care of, the city beautified because the image is also important, and when an investor sets foot in Barcelona, ??the dirt can make him think that things are not going well, as they are. In short, work, ideas, efforts, seduction and pride. It is not a bad cocktail to reverse the march, it is not easy to achieve, but we have to demand it and demand it from ourselves so that we all contribute to that global success that for Barcelona at this moment would be as important as the repercussion of the Olympic event.