The Center for Sociological Research (CIS) publishes this Thursday (1:00 p.m.) its first barometer after the general elections of July 23, five days before the predictably failed investiture of the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who will begin the next Tuesday the 26th.

The scenario drawn today by the institute directed by the controversial José Félix Tezanos should reflect the electoral effect of the agreement between the PSOE and Sumar and the nationalist and independence forces for the Congress Table that took shape in the reform of the Chamber’s regulations so that the use of co-official languages ??is allowed in all parliamentary activity, which is approved today, and in Spain’s request in the General Affairs Council of the EU for these languages ??to also be official in the European institutions, an issue that on Tuesday was postponed.

The survey will also assess the electoral effects that the debate on the amnesty for those accused of the procés demanded by the Catalan independence parties, particularly Junts, Carles Puigdemont’s party, may have to support an eventual investiture of Sánchez once Feijóo’s fails. It is worth remembering that before the general elections the President of the Government placed this measure outside the constitutional framework and now he is convinced that there will be a progressive government to close the territorial crisis in Catalonia.

In this context, it will be interesting to see if the electorate rewards or punishes Sumar for the visit of its president, Yolanda Díaz, second vice president of the acting Government, to Brussels to meet with Puigdemont, thus reintegrating him into Spanish political life after almost six years. isolation in Belgium.

In the last elections the PP won with 33% of the votes while in its last survey published on July 17 the CIS predicted three points less for the PP. On the other hand, the public body practically got the votes it gave to the PSOE right, 32.2%. The socialists finally took 31.7% of the votes.

Adding the highest ranges of both blocs, PP and Vox had 169 seats according to the CIS – almost the same number obtained on 23-J, 170 – but it far exceeded the sum of the left-wing bloc of the PSOE and Sumar, which reached the 185 deputies, when it has remained at 152 parliamentarians.

The CIS flash survey assigned third position to Sumar with 14.9% of the votes compared to the 12.3% that Yolanda Díaz’s party finally achieved. In this line, Vox, as the third force, achieved 12.4% of support, two points above the estimates of the CIS of Tezanos, which placed it as the fourth force with 11.8%.