The Sociological Research Center (CIS) publishes this Friday the November barometer, whose field work was carried out between November 2 and 12, shortly after the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, declared the negotiations with the PSOE to renew the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) due to the intention of the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, to undertake the reform of the crime of sedition, which would be definitively confirmed on the 10th, shortly before the survey closed.

Therefore, the responses of those surveyed by the body led by the socialist José Félix Tezanos will already take into account these two variables that have shaken Spanish politics in the first part of the month. Not so with respect to the controversy over the “only yes is yes” law, for which there have already been sentence reductions and releases of those convicted of sexual crimes by virtue of the application of the norm and that has put in the pillory the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, promoter of the text, since it has exploded this week.

It remains to be seen if the breakdown of negotiations to renew the governing body of judges, whose mandate has expired for almost four years, punishes the leader of the PP, or it is the head of the Executive who suffers the consequences of betting on the reform of the crime of sedition to accommodate the penalties to those of the European criminal environment and “build harmony in Catalonia”, an initiative that the entire right reproaches him with the argument that it judicially disarms the State to deal with events such as those that occurred in 2017 .

The starting point is the October barometer, in which Sánchez increased his advantage over Feijóo by 3.3 percentage points in vote estimation to reach 32.7% of the vote, 3.5 points more than in September and 4 5 points more than in the 2019 elections. This rise by Sánchez was not so much to the detriment of his main rival but rather to Vox. While the Galician leader improved the results obtained by Pablo Casado in 2019 by 7.7 points and the September estimate by two tenths, those of Abascal lost practically half of the support they achieved in the last general elections, a trend that already was manifested in the latest polls.

Specifically, Vox remained in fourth position with 8.8% of support, 6.4 points less than in 2019 and one and a half points less than the September estimate. However, Feijóo, who managed to take the lead in July and lost his privileged position in September, was unable to capitalize on all the far-right losses as he only improved the vote estimate for September by two tenths.

Regarding the evaluation of leaders, Sánchez slightly improved his evaluation in October, with 4.47 and once again surpassed Feijóo, who obtained 4.42, far from the 4.89 he reached in July (in the latest polls he was below in front of Sanchez). Even so, the best rated was still Yolanda Díaz with 4.71.

In this sense, it will be interesting to also look at the estimates made by the CIS for Unidas Podemos and the assessment obtained by the second vice president of the Government, given that the field work also coincided with the taunt launched at him by the former vice president and former leader of Podemos Pablo Iglesias in the University Fall Party.

Iglesias demanded from Díaz respect for the party’s militancy after attributing to him the plan to think that the municipal and autonomic ones will clarify the weight of each one in space and will later facilitate the incardination of Sumar as a candidacy of generals in a space without command. Díaz responded two days later that “Sumar is not the complement of anyone” to claim the independence of the space that he is organizing for the generals.

In the October barometer, the purples remained the third force in Congress with a vote estimate of 12.7%, only three tenths below the current figures.