Patricia Fernández is one of my favorite tiktokers ever since I saw her recite Lorca live one afternoon from her room, from memory and in her pyjamas. He is 25 years old, several books published and a lot of fun to mix classics with reggaeton. That there was salseo between Lorca and Dalí? Music by C. Tangana and video with 2.6 million views. The terrible drama behind Paula, by Isabel Allende? Camera view and 1.6 million views.

What emerges from Patricia and, like her, those belonging to the TikTok reading community, is a great love for books and a great desire to recommend them. They read a lot and bring forgotten or overlooked works into vogue. They love genre literature. Booktokers dance choreography, sort the library by color, act out passages or record themselves crying when a play moves them, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Others write, are successful in sales or work in the cultural industry.

These young women, some teenagers, have revolutionized a sector, publishing, still very much moved by the underground currents of recommendation, and they have done it simultaneously throughout the world in an amazing phenomenon. the tag

What has happened to give hope to the publishing industry? The most accepted explanation is that young people started reading (and making tiktoks) during the pandemic and haven’t stopped. According to the Ministry of Culture’s 2022 barometer of reading habits, the section with the most readers of the entire population is between the ages of 14 and 24: 74.2% of young people of this age read. They more than them, at all ages.

As the Argentinian magazine Anfibia asked in a report, will it be time to repeat the mantra of “the old don’t read” as was done with the young? For this book party, music, joy and follow Joana Marcús, Raquel Brune, Maryam Assakat, Esperanza Luque, Andrea Izquierdo, Irina Zubkova and many more.