The National Police is investigating the discovery of the body of a baby about three months old among some garbage cans in the Madrid district of Barajas.

The body, which was in a plastic bag, was found this afternoon by a resident of the area, who alerted the police and emergency services, according to El EspaƱol and police sources have confirmed to EFE.

Agents from the Homicide Group V of the Madrid Police Headquarters have traveled to the scene of the incident, at number 21 Acuario Street.

These have required the help of Samur-Civil Protection health workers, who have only been able to confirm the death of the baby.

Scientific Police officers from the Violent Crimes Group (DEVI) have also been at the scene, who have collected samples for analysis.

According to the aforementioned police sources, the baby was a maximum of three months old and at the moment it is unknown whether it was a boy or a girl.