The parliamentary situation that resulted from the general elections on July 23 makes every vote count for the investiture. In this sense, the PSOE needs the yeses of various parliamentary groups to revalidate the coalition government, and the BNG, which won a seat, has put a price on its positive vote. The Galicians demand the recognition of Galicia as a nation from the socialists to give their support to Sánchez.

The elected deputy of the BNG, Nestor Rego, has maintained that his formation will not give “a blank check to anyone” to facilitate an inauguration of Pedro Sánchez and has opted to “strengthen” the self-government of Galicia with “a new status” that allows its recognition as a nation.

In statements to Radio Euskadi, reported by Europa Press, the Galician deputy stated that the current political situation “is not at all easy” and stated that “it would be positive” if whoever has the responsibility of governing looked for formulas to reach agreements with the political forces that “represent” Euskadi, Galicia and Catalonia.

To get their votes, the BNG has opted to “enlarge and strengthen” Galician self-government with “a new political status that recognizes Galicia as a nation and shields its powers.” In addition, he has warned that any agreement with the Socialists “must go through greater guarantees of compliance” than in the last legislature.

“We have a fundamental role and it would be a shame to miss out on this historic opportunity not to advance the rights of nations,” Rego said. In addition, he has recognized that his party, the BNG, “has a greater coincidence of positions” with EH Bildu than with the PNV.