They have not yet opened, but a good part of what will be found in the new Molla, the sandwich shop that the creators of Sartoria Panatieri (Best Pizzeria in Europe since May according to the 50 Top Pizza ranking) are about to open, can be ” tasting” in a few days in Brabo.

Rafa Panatieri and Jorge Sastre, in charge of the three aforementioned establishments, will hold a pop-up at the Gràcia restaurant on April 14 and 15 (also on April 20 and 21 at All Those Food Market) in which You will be able to try the sandwiches that will be served at Molla, the new establishment that will open its doors next June around Plaza Francesc Macià.

Obviously the raw material they have chosen to prepare their ‘Molladillos’ are the artisan sausages that they make in Sartoria Panatieri, as well as other ingredients from km 0. For the bread they have decided to go for their homemade pizza dough, which they prepare with more than 12 hours of fermentation before being baked on Brabo embers.

Spicy chorizo, braised ham and jowl, all made from Gascon pork, a breed with much softer and less invasive meat than that of the Iberian pig, have been the first sausages that they have wanted to incorporate into their sandwiches to begin this new adventure. With them they have devised a menu of three ‘sandwiches’ that will grow when the new location is inaugurated. The first ones they prepared for the pop-up held a few days ago included scrambled potatoes with spicy Gascon pork chorizo; ganxet bean cream, Gascon pork jowl and chopped pickles; and braised ham, smoked butter, grilled hearts with gremolata sauce and roast sauce.

Added to them are three other sandwiches that can be tasted at the next pop-up and that will also include artisan sobrasada, header or bacon. They are the following:

– Snack 1: Cabecero, endive and serena cake.

– Snack 2: Sobrasada, honey mayonnaise and eggplant.

– Snack 3: Bacon, pickles and aromatic herb salad.