A ‘Barbie’ doll as a symbol of the censorship that Vox imposes on cultural content in Borriana. He brought it to the stand yesterday Joan Baldoví, Compromís ombudsman, as a way of showing rejection of the “cultural battle” of the extreme right. Ground in which the PSPV ombudsman, José Muñoz, also moved, very critical of the alliance of the PP and Vox. It is the framework that the left is looking for. On the contrary, Carlos Mazón once again questioned the Government’s water policy with the Albufera and the management of the previous Botànic with European funds. It is the framework of the PP.

Politics is increasingly more communication and less politics; more emotion and less parliamentary debate. In fact, there has been no effective dialogue for a long time: there is still no agreement for the renewal of statutory bodies, as an example. Calculated effectiveness, with short and impactful phrases, with performances on the stage designed to go viral on social networks. Monologues braided according to discursive strategies to mobilize the faithful. A land in which people speak but do not listen. 

The wishbone yesterday, foreseeable, and a few hours before the start of the electoral campaign, was the censorship of Vox in Borriana. Which Joan Baldoví and José Muñoz described as “shameful.” Carlos Mazón barely entered the debate, only to emphasize that he had seen the movie Barbie, which he loved, and that he gave his full support to the mayor of Borriana, Jorge Monferrer, who has guaranteed that there will be no censorship in the acquisition of Barbie movies. the municipal library, be it Barbie or 20,000 species of bees. “I love the song, I love the music and I love the mayor of Burriana,” Mazón said.

On the contrary, José María Llanos, Vox’s ombudsman, supported the Borriana Councilor for Culture and regional deputy, Jesús Albiol: “Thank you for your commitment, for your coherence, for your principles. These are wolves in sheep’s clothing, let us Valencians be careful.” 

During the session José Muñoz read fragments of the activity notebook of Don Julio Being a fascist is wrong, an author who has been denounced by Christian Lawyers for his work The Child Jesus does not hate sissies (both are from the Valencian publishing house Fandogamia), and said that he will donate it to the Borriana library, which is suffering “censorship from the right and the extreme right.” A book “so simple” that it says that Franco was not only a historical figure, but also a dictator, according to Muñoz.

Mazón responded that, in “his desire” to turn him into a Francoist, he has brought him “a comic”, while he has provided the Official Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana, which yesterday published that the regulatory bases for the granting subsidies for the exhumation of victims of the civil war and the dictatorship. And it was when he brought up the water from La Albufera: he once again accused the Government of lying and the opposition of remaining silent on this issue.

The president also raised the issue of the burying of the Alfafar train tracks (Valencia) to point out that both the general secretary of the PSPV and minister, Diana Morant, and the Government delegate, Pilar Bernabé, “have defended a passage tunnel and “They support a pedestrian underpass as the most effective solution.” He questioned this solution, which, he said, does not agree with guidelines for the application of gender perspectives for urban actions “which say that measures like this with a single entrance and exit can be dangerous for women, while then releasing hundreds of rapists and abusers to streets”.

There was also a fight about the public education teachers’ strike, and also staging, with the deputies of the left with a sticker in defense of the strike. Spectacle politics, and total absence of debate.