The arrival of Vox to power in the Valencian Community has broken the unity of action of the rest of the parties in the concentrations to repudiate murders due to gender violence: two in Valencian lands in recent days. In yesterday’s events this division could be observed with a war of banners where terminology – which is not coincidental – has been the protagonist beyond the two victims of Orihuela and Castellón.

At the Les Corts Valencianes rally, the parties that make up the autonomous government (PP and Vox) and those of the opposition have grouped around two very different slogans: the official one approved by the new parliamentary majority – No to violence against women- and the one that was used until now and that Vox did not accept -Les Corts contra la violència de masclista (Las Cortes contra la violence machista)-. All this, seasoned with crossed statements between the representatives of each other.

However, this division has not been limited to the autonomous Parliament. Previously, at the Valencia City Council rally, the PSPV councilors showed a banner with the motto: No al terrorisme masclista (No to sexist terrorism) while those of Compromís carried signs with the legend: Prou ??violence masclista, ens volem vivirs ( Enough sexist violence, we want each other alive). Interspersed, the PP and Vox councilors avoided any message while remaining silent.

This differentiation also reached the minute of silence in front of the Palau de la Generalitat. The members of the Valencian Government gathered there, but also the provincial deputies and the three from Compromís took the opportunity to show posters with the inscription: No to masclista violence.

An image of disunity that was also left in localities like Torrent, governed by the bipartite of PP and Vox, where the socialist councilors carried a banner with the slogan: Torrent against gender violence.

In the middle of these concentrations, the Department of Justice – which has powers in the management of material and human resources, and training of personnel at the service of the Administration of Justice – launched a tweet in which it referred to the concentration in the Palau as “a minute of silence for domestic violence.” Furthermore, he added his conviction for “the murders of two women and a man that occurred in recent days, allegedly at the hands of their partners in Castellón, Orihuela and Alcàsser.

The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, spoke about these issues yesterday, stating that he was “a little tired of the banner game as if it were the important thing” in the acts against gender violence. Mazón denounced that the opposition resorts to “simply to differentiate itself and to try to point out others electorally.”

“It seems to me to be a game that is not acceptable,” he indicated and then pointed out that they have lost “any moral authority to speak about these issues, those who have provoked the law that has just reduced the sentence for the members of the Pack and have not “I didn’t even have the decency to ask for forgiveness.”

For his part, the former Valencian president and socialist deputy Ximo Puig, who was present at the Les Corts rally, defended the need to “conceptualize well to find appropriate policies,” while highlighting that women are attacked for the simple fact of being them. For this reason, Puig indicated that there cannot be “any type of condescension against denialism, because denialism also kills.”

Meanwhile, Joan Baldoví (Compromís) reiterated that you have to call things by their name and that “wanting to hide a problem by changing its name is a way of playing the ostrich, of bowing your head.”