* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

Campdevànol hosts until January 14 the third edition of the Mostra de Pessebres that the Campdevànol Cultura i Compromís Association organizes in the Mossèn Tor Tower.

In La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos we can see some of the nativity scenes on display, occupying a total of nine rooms in this modernist chalet.

In addition to the traditional nativity scenes, with pieces contributed by associations of nativity scenes from different places, the exhibition includes models of some buildings and spaces in Campdevànol, such as the station or the football field.

In its third edition, the Mostra de Pessebres in the Mossèn Tor Tower has already established itself as one of the important popular nativity scene exhibitions in Catalonia. Last year he managed to gather 160 models, one hundred of which were from nativity scene artists from various places and 60 from the Campdevànol Excursionist Group.

In the models you can see various nativity scene styles, some more classic and others that aim to recreate more modern scenes. But they all give off a great Christmas spirit. Below we can see some of the many examples on display.