The Government has agreed to declare it of public utility and grant administrative authorization for the construction of the Ampliació Colladetes wind farm, located in the municipality of Perelló (Baix Ebre), as well as its evacuation infrastructure. The plant will be connected to the existing Vandellòs-Ampolla Colldalba high voltage line. The declaration also establishes that the project will prevail over the public utility of the Malladetes, Resplanada and Perxets forest (number 42 of the Catalog of public utility forests). Ampliació Colladetes is a wind farm that consists of four wind turbines 200 meters high and a power of 13.37 MW. It will have 20 kV underground lines, a 20/110 kV transformer substation (SET El Perelló) and a 110 kV high voltage overhead line.

Ampliació Colladetes de Perelló is the only renewable energy project in the Ebro Lands that has been governed by climate emergency decree 16/2019. The announcement of the authorization request was published the day before the Government published the current renewable decree. The ENERVENT company had requested authorization on October 23, 2020.

Last July, the Department of Climate Action granted prior administrative authorization for the project and submitted to the Government the decision on the request for administrative authorization for construction and the declaration of public utility, which have been granted, as published by the DOGC (Official Gazette of the Generalitat of Catalonia), this Monday.

By being governed by the regulations of Decree 16/2019, the promoter Enervent will not have to comply with the requirements of obtaining the consensus of half of the affected owners, nor offer a 20% participation in the project at the local level. The park’s four new wind turbines will be located near the Colladetes power plant, one of the first to be commissioned in Catalonia in 1999.

Entities such as GEPEC-EdC and the Cultural Association of Art and Respect for Nature (ACARN), as well as individuals who participated in the public information process, have questioned “the regulatory framework of administrative processing”, alleging that the project “would form part of another larger one, of more than 50 MW”, and should not be processed by the Generalitat.