The Territori department has ordered the demolition of 89 bungalows and four swimming pools at the La Ballena Alegre campsite in Sant Pere Pescador (Alt Empordà) following a complaint from an individual.

In the resolution, signed by Councilor Ester Capella on February 22, it is alleged that these infrastructures are on non-developable land of special protection and were built without the necessary municipal license.

In that same resolution, the property was informed that within a period of one month from the day after the notification, the collapse should be carried out, something that has not yet happened because the owners of the campsite presented up to five appeals for replacement. that the Department is studying.

The file also included a sanctioning procedure, considering the facts as “very serious misconduct.” The fine is also paralyzed because there is currently an open judicial procedure.

The La Ballena Alegre campsite has assured through a statement that “it has always acted legally” and that they do not rule out administrative litigation. This would occur once Territori responds to the appeals presented by the property. When that happens, this route will be closed.

In that same statement he emphasizes that “it is a model of good practices and a benchmark for sustainable tourism, very respectful and involved with the environment.” A fact – they say – that has earned them “numerous national and international awards.”

The mayor of Sant Pere Pescador, Pere Badosa, has admitted, according to the Catalan News Agency (ACN), that some of the 324 buildings on the campsite were built without permission.

“There would be a maximum of 40, who at the time asked us for a license; Some requests were made to them that they did not answer. Therefore, they would be in a kind of limbo,” said Badosa, who defends municipal action.

He assures that all the licenses that have been granted since the first constructions began in the 1970s have been granted according to “the transitional provisions of the master plans.” “We considered that everything was correct,” said the mayor in statements collected by ACN.