The program La Plaza de La 1 on TVE, presented by Jordi González, has premiered with the long-awaited interview with Terelu Campos. This is the first granted after the death of her mother, the journalist María Teresa Campos, who died on September 5 at the Jiménez Díaz Foundation Hospital after several days admitted for acute respiratory failure.

Terelu has not only praised her mother on a personal level, but has highlighted her passion for her work. “Her greatest injection of life came from a television set,” she explained excitedly.

For this reason, he assures that it was not easy when he had to stay away from the sets, when the doctors detected a degenerative disease. “My mother’s life stopped. That lucid mind… The disease consumed her. My mother, in the end, was a very small person, very consumed,” admits Alejandra Rubio’s mother.

Despite being away from television, “her topics of conversation were always linked to work.” And she didn’t give up. One of the most difficult moments during these months has been when the journalist “begged” them to work: “That has been very difficult, because at first I could, but then it accelerated in such a way that it was impossible.”

“The last eleven months have been terrifying because at some point, when she had a crisis, she would call you the next day and tell you ‘something happened to me yesterday, right?’. Faced with that question, it is very difficult to justify why she didn’t care. would be a fear,” Terelu said in her first interview since the death of María Teresa Campos.

Starting this week, Terelu begins a new adventure on RTVE’s La 1: “I return to the house where I was born. There I had the opportunity to work with the greatest, Jesús Hermida and my mother. I still don’t know how it’s going to be able to manage but she would be very happy for me to return to TVE and to the work that is so necessary to keep your mind busy when you are broken inside.