
Teens today are facing more mental health challenges than ever before. A recent survey by the Centers for Disease Control revealed that over 40% of high school students experienced feelings of sadness or hopelessness, and the rates of suicide attempts among teens have increased significantly. This highlights the crucial need for support systems that can provide connection, mentorship, and most importantly, hope for our youth.

One organization that has been addressing these needs for the past 40 years is TreeHouse, a nonprofit based in Minnesota. TreeHouse understands the importance of creating a supportive community for teens and believes that every individual, regardless of their circumstances, has value and purpose. Their core mission is to build meaningful relationships with teens by providing safe spaces where they can connect with caring mentors who are dedicated to their well-being.

TreeHouse offers a variety of programs, including support groups and mentoring initiatives, that are designed to meet teens where they are. By providing ongoing training and resources to their mentors, TreeHouse ensures that they can offer compassionate and nonjudgmental support to the youth they serve. This commitment to creating a supportive environment has allowed TreeHouse to expand its mission beyond Minnesota, reaching teens in over 80 communities across 11 states and two countries.

As the mental health crisis among teens continues to grow, it is essential that we, as a community, prioritize supporting our youth. The impact of feelings of hopelessness can be far-reaching, affecting relationships, academic performance, and overall well-being. By investing in the well-being of teens, we are not only providing them with hope and opportunities for the future, but we are also strengthening our communities as a whole.

In celebration of their 40th anniversary, TreeHouse will be hosting an event in Edina on September 26th. This event is open to the public and more information can be found on their website at As we continue to navigate the challenges facing our youth today, organizations like TreeHouse play a crucial role in providing the support and resources needed to help teens thrive and succeed.