Sumar will hand over two of its deputies to ERC so that it can form its own group in Congress, where it needs the collaboration of another formation as it does not strictly comply with the requirements established by the regulation, as is also the case with Junts. In fact, similar movements are expected so that Junts also has its own group, something that the PSOE already take for granted. Without giving further details, socialist sources confirm to La Vanguardia that the transfer of deputies to Junts “is on the table.”

In this way, the platform of Yolanda Díaz, who obtained 31 seats in the last general elections, thus makes it easier for ERC, with seven deputies, to form its own group, from the premise that “it will foreseeably be one of the” supports for the investiture ” of Pedro Sánchez and therefore “to the coalition government”.

Sumar sources have also reported that once the group is formed, the two parliamentarians who lend to ERC will return to the “plurinational group” headed by Yolanda Díaz.

The regulations of the Congress allow parties with more than 15 seats or those that, with a minimum of 5, exceed 5% of the votes in all of Spain or 15% in the constituencies in which they have concurred, to form a group. PP, PSOE, Vox and Sumar meet the first requirement; EH Bildu and PNV, the second.

However, neither ERC nor Junts strictly meet these requirements because although they have more than five deputies, they do not reach the 15% required in some of the constituencies in which they have concurred in Catalonia.

It will be the Table of Congress, where the left has a majority and which is sovereign to interpret the regulations, the one that gives the go-ahead to the path offered by Sumar to ERC, a practice admitted in some legislatures.

Achieving a group is important because it allows the collection of the subsidies that Congress gives, which in the case of JxCat and ERC would be 42,569.84 euros per month, the sum of the fixed as a group plus the variable for the seven deputies that each force has .

In addition, the parliamentary groups have a fixed time to intervene in the debates, unlike the Mixed group in which its members have to divide the times.

To date, the parliamentary groups of PP Vox, EH Bildu and the PNV have been constituted, although the period to send writings remains open until Friday at 2:00 p.m. The next Table will constitute the rest. It is expected that there will be nine groups, including the Mixed group in which the BNG, CC and UPN would be, predictably.