The Basque elections on April 21 gave minimal representation to Sumar and Vox, who obtained two deputies, and these formations must now make up the Mixed Group of the new Basque Parliament. The representatives of both parties were the first to be accredited as parliamentarians this Friday and have made it clear that they see serious difficulties in organizing their coexistence in the Mixed Group, to the point that Vox has indicated that they will need “a mediator.”

Specifically, Jon Hernández, for Sumar, and Amaia Martínez, for Vox, have been the first elected to be accredited as parliamentarians in the Basque Chamber, in which they will share the Mixed Group as neither of the two electoral proposals have achieved the minimum of three seats to form your own group.

The only elected parliamentarian from Sumar, Jon Hernández, secretary of the Communist Party of Euskadi, has indicated that, assuming that “they have nothing in common”, it should be the Board of the Basque Parliament that decides on the different distributions within that cluster. Thus, Sumar’s representative has made it clear that his group will not work “at all” with Vox.

In this way, Hernández refers to the regulations of the Basque Parliament, which includes two options when it comes to elucidating coexistence in the Mixed Group. The first option is to be governed by the agreements reached internally by its members. Secondly, if an agreement is not reached within six months of the formation of the group, it must be the Basque Parliament Bureau that decides on these rules.

Meanwhile, the representative of Vox, Amaia Martínez, has said that she sees an agreement “difficult” with Sumar “because each one is going to tighten the rope on the side that interests them,” so it should be a third party who decides. “I understand that in the end a mediator is the one who has to intervene,” she indicated.

After the accreditation of the representatives of Vox and Sumar, on Monday the 27 representatives of the PNV will take over, with Imanol Pradales, the most likely new lehendakari, at the head.

Likewise, the plenary session for the constitution of the Basque Parliament will most likely be held the week of May 13, while the investiture plenary session will probably take place in the month of June. First, PNV and PSE must close a legislative agreement that will precede the formation of a new Basque Government chaired by Imano Pradales and with councilors from both parties.

Negotiations between the two parties officially began on Monday and are being carried out discreetly, although based on the premise that the socialists will demand more weight in the new Basque Executive.