* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In The Photos of the Readers of La Vanguardia we can enjoy the images of the shower of watery stars over the hermitage of the Virgin of Palau, in Granollers de la Plana, in the region of Osona.

The Eta Aquarid meteor shower can be seen from April 19 to May 28. According to NASA, Aquarid comets are shooting stars observable from Earth when they pass very close to the atmosphere.

The origin of its name lies in the star Eta Aquarii, which experts have confirmed is located 184 light years from the Solar System in the constellation Aquarius.

The name Palau comes from an old rural town, called Palatio in primitive documents. It undoubtedly indicates an old stately mansion that was called a palace due to its category.

Palau was one of the county residences of the late 9th and early 10th centuries. Later, it was a pabordo formed by monks from the Ripoll monastery, which had moments of great importance, but which began to decline from the 14th century until it was definitively extinct. in 1835. Currently, the church of Santa Maria de Palau is a building with a single nave, much renovated.

The hermitage of Santa Maria de Palau is located north of the municipality of Gurb (Osona) and belongs to the parish of Sant Esteve de Granollers de la Plana.

It is located at an intermediate point between the towns of Manlleu, Vic and Sant Hipòlit de Voltregà and near the old royal road that went from Barcelona to Puigcerdà. Precisely, a few hundred meters from the hermitage, there is the cross of Mitjavia, which indicated that the travelers were right at the halfway point of the journey.