Admitted for processing. It is the decision that the Court of Instruction number 1 of Seville has adopted on the complaint filed by some parents against the provincial delegate of the Ministry of Equality, Social Policies and Conciliation of the Junta de Andalucía, Rocío Barragán, in which it is stated stated that her son, 7 years old, suffered sexual abuse by another boy, 10, while he was residing in a child protection center in the province.

This judicial process seeks to determine whether the Board committed a crime of neglecting its functions since, due to the young age of the aggressor, no criminal responsibility can be held against him.

For its part, the Ministry, which has preferred not to comment on this case, has announced that it maintains “maximum collaboration with Justice.”

The events were reported by the victim’s parents and by the director of the center to the Civil Guard on March 16, where it was stated that the boy, 7 years old and who was sheltered in the center in a situation of helplessness, had suffered touching by one of his colleagues at the 10 center.

As an initial measure, the alleged aggressor was sent to another center, while the victim was sent to the center where the sister lives, all based on a complaint, after allegedly informing the center’s psychologist of what had happened.

As informed to EFE, the lawyer José Antonio Sires, who represents the family, and is reflected in the judge’s order, the complaint is personified by the Seville delegate of the Ministry, Rocío Barragán, and the Board to “report on measures taken regarding the events.”

Sources of Equality have stressed that the prudence of not ruling out “in a particularly sensitive case, and even more so since it has already been prosecuted”, remains prudent, pending information being requested from this Ministry on this matter.