Pedro Sánchez will meet this Saturday with the federal committee of the PSOE to activate the consultation with the socialist militancy on the government agreement signed with Yolanda Díaz’s party, Sumar, as mandated by the organization’s statutes. But the socialist leader announced this Friday from Brussels, after the European Council meeting, that in this consultation he will demand the endorsement of the militancy not only on the pact already signed with Sumar, but also on any possible agreements that may be reached. with the rest of the parliamentary groups essential to articulate an investiture majority, including Junts and Esquerra, even before they are closed.

Unlike the last consultation that the PSOE leadership made to the socialist militancy, regarding the government coalition agreement with Unidas Podemos in November 2019 – which obtained a very broad support of 92% of the members –, Sánchez has revealed that in This time, not only the government pact recently signed with Sumar will be submitted to the opinion of the bases, but also “if the militancy supports the fact that we achieve parliamentary agreements with the rest of the political formations that allow us to achieve the majority for the investiture.”

Sánchez has justified that if the consultation with socialist militancy is now formulated in these terms it is “because we want them to speak out on the parliamentary agreements we have with the rest of the political forces”, but, at the same time “we cannot go into more detail.” because obviously we are in the negotiation process, not only with Junts per Catalunya or with Esquerra Republicana, but also with the PNV, with the BNG, with Bildu or also with the Canarian Coalition.” If the leader of the PSOE had to consult each of the possible agreements that he is now still negotiating with each of these groups, “I would have to go to November 27”, he has alleged.

Today we are exactly one month away from the deadline for Sánchez’s investiture. If there is no president on November 27, there will be a repeat of the elections on January 14 of next year.

So, on this occasion, unlike in 2019, the PSOE leadership will not only gather the support of the militancy for the government agreement with Sumar, but “that we all position ourselves regarding whether or not we agree on achieving that parliamentary majority.” that allows us the investiture,” Sánchez assured.

“The PSOE is going to speak,” Sánchez assured, before this Saturday’s meeting of the federal committee, where only the regional president and leader of the socialists of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, has expressed his determination to express his opposition to an amnesty law for those prosecuted by the process, and to the consultation of the militancy. The leader of the PSOE has assured that he himself will also establish his position, in tomorrow’s conclave, “on the different aspects that are involved or affect this investiture process.” “And I also have the confidence, the absolute and resounding confidence, because I have spoken with many of the PSOE cadres, whether they are in the government or not, that the support is going to be very important. Very important”, he stressed.