The 28-M elections will have multiple decisive scenarios: Valencia, Madrid and, without a doubt, Andalusia, where the leaders of the PP and the PSOE ended up yesterday with the conflict over the use of Doñana water as a backdrop.

The President of the Government traveled yesterday to Doñana, where on other occasions he has spent stays accompanied by European political leaders, to demand this time, in a statement in which he did not admit questions, that the Government of Andalusia immediately withdraw the project by which The agricultural exploitations that until now were outlawed in the land of this natural space would be legalized.

Pedro Sánchez was exhaustive and reproached the PP and Vox for promoting this project for “an electoral calculation” – the Huelva council is a historic socialist stronghold that could now fall into the hands of the PP. “No matter how much electoral majority is achieved, this is not about elections, this has to do with a legacy that we have received from our ancestors and our main responsibility is to pass it on to our sons and daughters.”

In addition, Sánchez recalled that failure to comply with European regulations would result in serious sanctions imposed by the European Union “that all Spaniards would have to pay.”

Alberto Núñez Feijóo was also in Huelva yesterday, but he did not go to Doñana, but went to meet with a group of businessmen and later met with the president of the Junta de Andalucía. For the PP, the controversy over the exploitation of the park’s aquifer is a ploy by the PSOE in the middle of the campaign.

However, Núñez Feijóo did speak of the park and the controversy, and demanded that the president “do not tamper with the preserve” while demanding that the supply infrastructures provided for in the 2018 law be carried out, “instead of blaming of the drought to Juanma Moreno and the Junta de Andalucía”.

Feijóo accused Sánchez of using the water to “confront communities with each other, the central government with the communities, the farmers with the citizens” and of “disrespecting the Andalusians” by calling their president an “Andalusian gentleman”, when He is “the son of an emigrant born in Catalonia”.

The PP tries to prevent Sánchez from turning Doñana into the axis of his electoral strategy in Andalusia as, they say, “he has wanted to do in Spain with housing”, and warned him that “it is not coherent to come to Falcon to defend Doñana” that, He added, “it belongs to everyone and not just the vacation spot of the President of the Government.”

What the leader of the popular groups offers is an infrastructure plan and a “pact for water”, as proposed by another for housing, in the face of “the smoke” of Pedro Sánchez, who has shown that “he is only interested in a house, the of the La Moncloa palace”, and who has traveled to Doñana, he said, to “not have to vote on the law of the only yes is yes that at that same time they voted in Congress when they were “ashamed” of the spectacle given by the ministers of your government.