“The more they insult, the smaller they become,” Pedro Sánchez replied this Saturday to the shouts and protests from the right that he had to endure, once again, during the celebration of the National Holiday on October 12. The leader of the PSOE has reproached the right for “the insult, the noise and the disqualifications”, the result, in his opinion, of frustration because the Spaniards have blocked the way at the polls to a Popular Party government with the far-right Vox .

Sánchez has made fun of the fact that the PP does not stop proclaiming that it won the general elections on July 23, and now only wants to repeat the elections. “They lost, and they know it,” he warned. “But worse than losing the elections is being lost. And they are lost because they do not accept the result, because they do not understand the reality of Spain, and then what they do is proclaim electoral victory and demonstrate in the streets,” he reproached.

Thus, he recalled, he pointed this out to Alberto Núñez Feijóo himself in the meeting they held last Monday. “I haven’t even been designated a candidate by the head of state for a week, and you have already given me two demonstrations and you are warming up the street for next October 12, as it happened,” he remarked. But Spain has not broken, he has insisted, but rather the right “has broken into two: the PP and Vox.” “Since then, they have entered into a competition to see who shouts the loudest and loudest, to see who calls it the loudest, to see who paints a much darker future for our country,” he lamented.

The leader of the PSOE has warned that he is not going to participate in this “competition” between the PP and Vox. “I know it is a lot to ask, but I only ask for calm, common sense and respect.” “We are going to work so that there is a progressive government, that makes progressive policies and that is committed to coexistence, always within the framework of the Constitution,” he stated.

After completing the day before with Junts and EH Bildu his round of contacts with all parliamentary groups, except the far-right Vox, and without yet having secured enough votes to be able to guarantee his re-election as President of the Government, Sánchez took part in a rally this Saturday in Mérida, before 1,500 supporters, to continue staging the support of the socialist militancy and leadership for the ongoing negotiations to achieve his investiture. On this occasion, support for the leader of the PSOE of another federation totally refractory to the Catalan and Basque independence movement, such as Extremaduran socialism, led by Guillermo Fernández Vara, has been made evident, as they have previously done, in the rallies held in Granada, Seville and Málaga, the Andalusian socialists.

Without revealing anything about these negotiations, or referring to the amnesty being studied for those prosecuted by the process, Sánchez has insisted on not throwing in the towel. “Faced with the complexity of the negotiations we have underway, I guarantee that I trust that there will be a progressive government,” he stated. “I have the same desire, if not more, than the first day for there to be a progressive government again,” he said, to great applause. “I have more desire, more strength and more enthusiasm than the first day I had the honor of being elected President of the Government,” he remarked.

Sánchez has also taken advantage of his intervention to establish a forceful position regarding the Hamas attacks in Israel, but at the same time highlighting that the Jewish State must comply with international humanitarian law in the Gaza Strip. Thus, he has pointed out that Spain is “a lover of peace.” “That is why we strongly, and without any ambiguity, condemn the terrorist attack by Hamas in Israel, and also the deaths of Israelis,” Sánchez stated. “And we demand the urgent release of all those Israeli hostages and captives,” he added.

“With the same forcefulness,” he stressed, Sánchez has assured that “of course Israel has the right to defend itself, but always within international humanitarian law, which does not materially endorse the evacuation of Palestinians from Gaza, as the United Nations says.” .

Sánchez has defended that “this conflict, which is generating so much suffering, anxiety and instability in the region and the world, will only be resolved when, as the United Nations, and also the Cortes Generales, says, the two States, Israel, are recognized. and Palestine, so that they can coexist in peace and security.” Socialist sources have recalled that Congress already approved in November 2014, with the support of all parliamentary groups, a non-legal proposal that urged the Government, at that time that of Mariano Rajoy, to recognize Palestine as a State.