The acting President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, takes for granted not only the failure of Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s investiture this week but also the success of his own, which has yet to be set on the calendar. He assumes, therefore, that he will reach an agreement with the pro-independence parties that would allow him to obtain the necessary votes to be re-elected, although to do so they have demanded an amnesty law and progress in the self-determination of Catalonia, and he does not hesitate to denigrate the attitude of the PP that, in recent hours, has been appealing to “the worst of corruption, transfuguism”, so that Feijóo has some option to avoid the failure of his investiture.

“There are numbers for there to be a progressive government, with Yolanda Díaz’s party, which leaves in the dry a Feijóo government with Abascal”, he proclaimed this Sunday from Gavà (Baix Llobregat), where the president participated in the traditional Festa de la Rosa of the PSC together with the leader of the Catalan socialists, Salvador Illa.

And “when the president is inaugurated,” he predicted, “we will seek the votes to raise the minimum wage, to revalue pensions, scholarships, to promote real equality between men and women,” he promised. In this way, the president sees himself starting a new legislature with the objective of “continuing to advance in rights and coexistence; with a method: dialogue with unions, employers and the territories, and a framework: the Spanish Constitution.”

The amnesty was the great absentee in this edition of the great annual party of the Catalan socialists. In fact, the amnesty has become the socialist version of ‘that person you are telling me about’ with whom Rajoy dealt with those accused of corruption in his party. Pedro Sánchez does not dare to mention the word ‘amnesty’, nor does Illa, but both nourish their speeches with veiled references and arguments to justify it. It is a message addressed to his own, but also to society that did not see clearly the penal reform of sedition and that made it known on 23-J.

Sánchez came to justify it in the face of the catastrophic omens that he sees on the right when, as he said, it proclaims that “Spain is breaking”, when “and it turns out that the closest it came to breaking was with President Rajoy and the DUI.” The president argued before the PSC parish that “what we are doing today is turning the page, betting on harmony and reunion.”

On the other hand, Sánchez’s presence in Barcelona was marked by the protest that the PP has organized in Madrid against a possible amnesty, a fact that monopolized a good part of the president’s intervention at the PSC party. “They demonstrate against the investiture of a socialist president,” he criticized, instead of seeking votes for Feijóo to achieve his goal. “They boycott themselves,” he noted. But the most worrying thing for the leader of the PSOE is that “after the Gürtel, the patriotic police, we see how they appeal to the worst of corruptions, transfuguism.”

In this sense, Sánchez recalled that “the PP fired Pablo Casado for denouncing a case of corruption that affected President Ayuso, still unclarified, and now they appeal to the worst of corruptions, transfuguism… I’m sorry, but it’s going to there will be a socialist government,” he proclaimed.

Illa also spoke on this matter, to ask for respect for the results of the 23-J elections; to the forms, to the liturgy of democracy and to the deputies and the laws. In his opinion it is “unacceptable” that the PP is using itself to “buy wills and talk about tamayazos.” For Illa it is a “real insult” and a “manifestation of ignorance because they don’t know who they are dealing with. We socialists dress by the feet,” he warned.