Pedro Sánchez celebrates that last Sunday, when Yolanda Díaz announced her candidacy for the next general elections at the head of the Sumar platform, many of the pieces of the puzzle that the second vice president of the Government is building in the political space at the left of the PSOE.

The head of the Executive highlights that up to ten left-wing formations -Catalunya En Comú, Izquierda Unida, Más País or Compromís, among them- have already joined Yolanda Díaz’s project that tries to recompose all that space. The only thing missing is We Can. And Sánchez is confident that the purple formation will finally be integrated into Sumar. “My wish now is that all the pieces of the puzzle fit together,” said Sánchez, in an informal conversation with the press who is accompanying him on the Mediterranean mini-tour that culminated this Wednesday in Rome, after stopping in Nicosia (Cyprus) and La Valletta (Malta).

The President of the Government, however, wants to avoid interfering in the internal debate that takes place in the political space to the left of the PSOE. For this reason, he assures that he follows “with attention and respect” the movements that Yolanda Díaz is making to try to strengthen an electoral project of the left whose unity and cohesion, in any case, would be essential for Sánchez to be able to run for re-election after the elections. General meetings scheduled for next December. Hence the attention with which Sánchez claims to follow this process. But also respect for being another political space in whose organic life he does not want to get involved. “My task is for the PSOE to win the elections and be the first political force,” he highlights. Which is not little.

In any case, Sánchez considers that the struggle that Yolanda Díaz is now waging with the leaders of Podemos does not threaten the stability or the management of the government coalition, which in his opinion already has “a notable service record.” Especially, after having managed to carry out a labor reform and a pension reform that, in his opinion, justify a legislature. And also, he highlights, with social peace.

The PSOE leader is convinced that he will arrive strong at Easter, already in the run-up to the municipal and regional elections on May 28. The right-wing opposition, he warns, predicted recession, unemployment and social unrest. But Sánchez replies that record numbers of job creation are being recorded, that Spain’s economic growth is maintained, in a context in addition to social peace. “The opposition has gone from more to less. They have bet everything on the Apocalypse, and since it does not come they feel disconcerted ”, he denounces.

And he focuses his criticism on the leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo. “When he arrived we thought that he would be rigorous, moderate and loyal from the constitutional point of view. But Feijóo’s leap into national politics has been a disappointment ”, Sánchez ditch.