He already defended it on Saturday, at a PSOE rally held in Mérida. But today Pedro Sánchez has once again advocated for the recognition of the State of Palestine, as “the only way to definitively resolve the conflict” with Israel. And he did so before the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, and the presidents of the Council and the European Commission, Charles Michel and Ursula von der Leyen, along with the rest of the European leaders and representatives gathered at the Tirana summit. In the same line in which the 27 member states of the EU already took a common position on Sunday, and in the same sense in which the European Council is expected to express itself tomorrow.

“The only way to definitively resolve the conflict is through the recognition of the two States, so that they can coexist in peace and security,” Sánchez warned this Monday, in his first intervention at the summit being held in the capital of Albania. . “Now we must work to avoid an escalation of violence in the region and redouble all our efforts to achieve a peaceful resolution of the conflict between Israel and Palestine,” demanded the acting President of the Spanish Government.

Sánchez pointed out that this meeting of the so-called Berlin Process, which evaluates the future integration of the Western Balkan countries into the European Union, occurs “at a crucial moment for the international community.” “Once again, Europe shows us that dialogue works, that cooperation between neighbors works, that differences can be overcome and that reconciliation is the only way forward,” defended the Spanish president. That, he has assured, is the essence of the Berlin Process itself, and of the entire European Union, “and a timely reminder for all of us.” “Especially now that the Middle East, a region also very close to us, is on fire,” he noted.

“The language of violence and conflict is the complete opposite of what we defend,” Sánchez warned. And, for this reason, the Spanish president wanted to reiterate his “condemnation of the Hamas attack against Israel.”

“Israel has the legitimate right to defend itself within the respect of international and humanitarian law. At the same time, the protection of civilians is essential, as well as access to international aid for those in need, especially in the Gaza Strip,” Sánchez stressed.

In any case, the Moncloa and the PSOE leadership has been surprised by the demand that Sumar has put forward today, to incorporate the recognition of the State of Palestine in the negotiation to agree on a new progressive coalition government in Spain, when Sánchez himself already defends this recognition. However, the socialists reject the demand of the formation of Yolanda Díaz so that the recognition of the Palestinian State occurs in Spain in a “unilateral” manner, without waiting for a joint position of the 27 member states of the EU. At Moncloa they allege that this position should be assumed within the community club.

The commitment to a two-state solution, Israel and Palestine, to advance the resolution of the conflict in the Middle East is in any case what the United Nations also defends. And the one that was approved by Congress in Spain, unanimously by all parliamentary groups, already in 2014.