Pedro Sánchez met this morning in Cairo with the president of Egypt, Al Sisi, to whom he announced the immediate delivery of up to four tons of medical material for Egyptian hospitals that are overwhelmed with the incessant arrival of wounded people evacuated from the Gaza Strip.

“To help the Egyptian authorities respond to the current crisis, Spain will deliver a shipment of medical supplies this week. Around 4 tons of equipment will be delivered to Egyptian hospitals to increase their capacity to provide medical treatment to Gaza evacuees” .

This shipment will be delivered through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, “in another example of how the European Union works together to support our partners,” Sánchez highlighted.

Sources from the Spanish Government have assured that Egypt has demanded this aid in medical supplies because they are running out of reserves, given the great effort involved in providing hospital care for the wounded evacuated from Gaza.

The shipment of all this medical material from Spain is already underway. Executive sources have highlighted that, in fact, it is already in Valencia, on its route to the Egyptian hospitals.

Pedro Sánchez, who this afternoon will travel to the Rafah crossing, on the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, plans to carry out the humanitarian and cooperation aid that Spain is providing in this scenario.

At the moment, Spanish aid to Gaza has tripled, reaching a financial amount of 48.5 million euros until the end of this year.