Signs and symptoms of child abuse

* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

Child abuse is defined as any form of abuse or neglect affecting a child under 18 years of age. It covers all types of physical or emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, neglect and commercial or other exploitation that is or may be detrimental to the health, development or dignity of the minor or endanger their survival in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power.

Abuse can be classified as physical, psychological or emotional, sexual, and there are also other variants.

It is any form of non-accidental aggression inflicted on a minor produced by the use of physical force, including two categories:

Signs and symptoms of physical abuse:

Any corporal punishment can leave emotional scars. Parental behaviors that cause pain, physical injury, or emotional trauma, even when these occur in the name of discipline, may be cases of child abuse.

It is the harm that is intentionally done to a child’s attitudes and abilities. It affects her self-esteem, her ability to relate, the ability to express herself and feel, deteriorates her personality, her socialization and, in general, the harmonious development of her emotions and skills.

There are several categories of psychological and emotional abuse:

Signs and symptoms of psychological abuse:

Child sexual abuse consists of the participation of a child in a sexual activity that he does not fully understand, to which he is not capable of giving consent, or for which he is not developmentally prepared and cannot express his consent, or good that violates laws or social taboos.

The sexual abuse of minors occurs when this activity takes place between a child and an adult, or between a child and another child or adolescent who, due to their age or development, has a relationship of responsibility, trust or power with them. The purpose of the activity is to satisfy the needs of the other person.

Signs and symptoms of sexual abuse:

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