Contributing to sustainable development and fighting climate change is not only an unavoidable obligation for companies and organizations, but also a magnificent opportunity to continue growing and strengthening their relationships with customers. This is how an entity like Banco Santander understands it, which has not hesitated to express its commitment to environmental, social and responsible governance issues, which have long held a central position in the values ​​and strategy of the entire group.

It is not about doing things only to get good results, but also about doing things the “right way”. It is what this bank has called The Santander Way; a new chapter in its corporate culture that began in 2015 and that has guided its steps at all levels, from the branches to the Board of Directors, passing through the back-office. This is materialized in the will to act in favor of the progress of people and companies, earning the trust of employees, shareholders and citizens.

For this reason, since 2019, Banco Santander has invested 94,500 million euros in green financing, to contribute to inclusive and sustainable growth that allows the needs and initiatives of customers and companies to come true, promoting the transition to a low-carbon economy. At the same time, the company has shown its ambition to achieve net zero carbon emissions across the group by 2050, aligning itself with the Paris Agreement on climate change. This decision affects the group’s own activity and the issues of its clients, derived from any of the financing, advisory or investment services they offer.

In 2020 they already managed to be carbon neutral in the development of their operations. The following year they eliminated unnecessary single-use plastics. And in 2022 they set decarbonization targets for the energy, aviation and steel sectors. Since then they have continued with the plan outlined, aligning their portfolio to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, supporting clients towards the green transition and reducing their environmental impact.

To comply with this last section, they have launched a sustainable mobility plan in their corporate center (CGS) that includes different actions. They have implemented a series of shuttles from different origins (such as Moncloa, Avenida de América, Aluche or Príncipe Pío), as well as a series of internal lines so that travel within the city is by public transport.

In addition, in 2020 Santander launched a new electric mobility project for the CGS and the rest of the corporate buildings in Madrid. One of the most notable actions consists of providing those employees who have an electric or plug-in hybrid car with a charging point, so that they can charge their vehicle while they work. Currently, there are more than 480 electric spaces in the CGS and another 200 more in the other buildings.

They have also established agreements with carpooling companies and have placed bicycle parking in all the buildings. Company vehicles are being replaced, to the extent possible, by more sustainable options. In summary, a set of measures that serve to ensure that the will to build a more sustainable future ceases to be a wish and becomes a reality.