She had eaten a slice of marijuana cake that she had cooked with other friends following the instructions in a YouTube video and thought she was being followed and was going to be kidnapped. The young woman, who was in a student apartment in Malaga, locked herself in her room, from where she fell into the void from a third room. The girl was taken to the Regional Hospital in very serious condition.

The events occurred on September 30 and this week the Homicide Group, after the investigation, has ruled out the participation of third parties, as specified.

Apparently, as reported this Friday by newspaper Sur, the young woman, who was seriously injured, notified a friend because she said that they were chasing her and wanted to kidnap her, so she locked herself in the room and ended up falling from the third floor.

The Local Police carried out the first intervention due to a kidnapping notice. Once there, they saw the injured person on the ground and young people screaming at a window. When the agents arrived at the apartment and the young people calmed down, they explained to them that they had made a marijuana cake following the instructions they had found in a YouTube video.

The young woman who fell, apparently, after eating a piece began to feel unwell and locked herself in the room. When one of the young men agreed, he saw the window open and her on the ground, injured. According to her diary, before she fell she sent a message to another friend of hers telling her that she was kidnapped, so she called the Police, while another called the Emergency 112 system.

The young woman was evacuated to the Regional Hospital in very serious condition. After the investigations, the participation of third parties is ruled out and it is pointed out that the young woman, after ingesting the marijuana cake, suffered a hallucination and fell.