We know, majestic plural, to recognize a good idea where we see it, and when @GonzaloNez19 tweets that “Clarisas Cismáticas is a good name for a girl band”, we applaud him, because these Clarisas in particular lack background. To those of Pedralbes, on the other hand, we did pay homage: Mayor Collboni went to ask them to pray for it to rain and it does rain, although with enough delay for us to realize that we cannot, majestic plural referring to the Generalitat etc., depend (only) on your prayers.

The smiling photographs of the sisters have gone around the X network, filling the gap left by regulars of the house, whose silences until the closing of these lines have also been a trend this week. But let’s go back to the nuns, who, as @siamanece and the rest of the world’s media say, “don’t stop making headlines,” and that, in the midst of thousands and thousands of electoral processes, has its merit.

Perhaps the overdose of campaigns is beginning to affect us, because we see that the schismatic Poor Clares and the political world have much more in common than it seems. For example, when from the diocese of Vitoria they point out to the abbess Sister Isabel, one of the rebels: “She wants to remain in power because her mandate is 12 years old and she cannot be there any longer.” Perpetuate in power, what does it sound like?

And what about I’m leaving but I’m not leaving? If they replace Church with… That. The fact that behind this bizarre story there seems to be a real estate operation also helps to unite both areas in what is human/mundane. “How is a convent appraised? Like economic exploitation?” asks @dgllana. No idea, they gave us that. Open a thread, if you know.

There are a couple of videos circulating in which the sisters’ workshops look like a MasterChef set. What if all this is actually a marketing campaign to sell candy? Pestiños, Hail Marys, yolks and nougats, although at the moment what triumphs are the cakes, the ecclesiastical ones (figuratively).

Then there are various comments on the networks, some well-intentioned, we believe: “And why are they rebelling by following an uncle, a false bishop? Free yourself from a misogynistic and sexist structure to follow another guy? what a disappointment”. The topic was not there, @Larili_R, but thanks. When @Josete_Picabea turns them into an episode of Star Wars, we understand that the time has come to change trends.