No last-minute surprises are expected and today the former CEO of the insurance company DKV, Josep Santacreu, is expected to take over from Mònica Roca as the new president of the Chamber of Barcelona. The election by the plenary will put an end to four years in which the public law institution was controlled by a business candidacy promoted by the ANC independence movement. Roca held the position for the last two years, replacing Joan Canadell, today a member of Junts in the Parliament, who was in the first period of the mandate that is now ending.

Santacreu will take office with a speech that will focus on promoting the necessary respect for the institution and the importance of working in a new direction.

The act of constitution of today’s new plenary session will be chaired by the Business Secretary, Albert Castellanos, who has also held the functions of president of the Central Electoral Board.

In addition to the election of the president, the members of the entity’s executive committee will also be chosen. It is not planned that members of the independence candidacy will be represented on the executive committee.

From now on, Santacreu has already expressed its willingness to have the current staff in the entity, which guarantees the continuity of its operations because it considers that they have “a lot of talent”, although incorporations are not ruled out either. Santacreu and his team have promised management focused exclusively on business interests, without excluding large, small or self-employed people. Another commitment is to avoid political bias, unlike what has happened in the last four years.