* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

Today we are located in one of the highest areas of Sant Celoni, in the Vallès Oriental. We are referring to the Hill of Our Lady of the Puig, protagonist in this report in Las Fotos de los Lectores de La Vanguardia.

This little mountain is located on the outskirts of the town, above the hospital. Once there, at the top we can see a hermitage that dates back to 1526, where some Capuchins settled for a time.

Unfortunately and like in too many places, after the civil war this hermitage had to be restored. After being rehabilitated and with the passage of time, some more elements were added such as a porch.

Following the story, we also know that, in 1687, this virgin saved the town of Sant Celoni from a plague of locusts, thus becoming the patron saint.

Once we have located it and reviewed its history, we will now focus on the views that this hill offers us. If we look towards the north, we can see the Montseny in its face and without impediments, crowned by the Turó de l’Home, along with some towns such as Campins.

If we turn our view to the right, we can see in the distance the Montsoriu castle and the plain of our neighboring region, La Selva.

If we continue turning our view to the right, although with difficulty due to the vegetation, we can see the town of Sant Celoni and the highest peaks of the Montnegre massif.

As you can see, this is a place with views and history, a place where you can observe the snow-capped mountain peaks, exercise or bring your partner or friends to watch the sun rise.